Clients seek Hypnosis and Positive Psychology Coaching for various reasons.

  • Hypnosis offers endless solutions and possibilities and we can work together to determine the best course of treatment for you. Learn more about the benefits and uses for hypnosis.

  • Positive Psychology Coaching is a way to receive support on your journey towards greater happiness and mastery in your life. Learn more about the benefits of positive psychology coaching.

  • Personalized Group Hypnosis offers your group to learn about hypnosis and to begin the journey of changing your lives as well as help support the group to further reaching their goals. 

  • Medical and Health Care Professionals Only: If you and/or your medical/health care team is interested in learning more about hypnotherapy and the benefits of hypnosis, please feel free to request a presentation or information. I’d be happy to address how hypnotherapy can best support your patients/clients by providing information or presenting to you/your staff.

Hypnosis (hypnotherapy) is widely endorsed as a treatment for habit breaking, stress related issues and a range of long-term conditions.

Here's some areas that we have supported clients: 

  • Anxiety / Stress / Depression: social anxiety, frustration, worry/doubt, monkey-mind, relaxation, panic attacks

  • Confidence Building: lacking the ability to speak your mind, do what’s right for you or believe in yourself

  • Dentistry: Topics include controlling a strong gag reflex, treating chronic facial pain modification of unwanted habits such as teeth grinding.

  • Dream Interpretation: repetitive dreams, deep/complicated dreams

  • Fears / Phobias: driving, flying, sharks, cockroaches, fish, claustrophobia, needles, blood, rejection

  • Habits / Addictions: nail-bitting, stop drinking cola, picking fingers/side of the mouth, smoking, procrastination, anger management, hair pulling, eye lash pulling/picking, drugs, alcohol

  • Intuition: trusting in the self, tapping into your inner knowing/guidance

  • Job / Interview Support

  • Limiting / Negative Beliefs: lack of confidence/self-worth, not feeling good enough, not able to speak up for oneself, motivation, feeling stuck, trust, accepting oneself, accepting change, gaining patience, positivity thinking, empowering oneself

  • Parts Therapy / Removing Blocks

  • Past Life Regression

  • Personal Development: forgiveness, making decisions, memory and concentration, recall, creating wealth/career, accepting responsibility, financial worries release, Pre-menopause, insomnia, become tidy/organized, creativity

  • Regression: diving into past traumas to support healing

  • Relationships: moving on from a relationship, opening oneself up to having a relationship/dating, attracting love into your life, rebuilding trust

  • Sexual Exploration / Empowerment

  • Test Taking Anxiety / Exam Prep

  • Weight Management: setting up new healthy/eating routines, motivation to exercise/eat well, emotional eating, clean eating, fasting .

    And much much more!